Higher Education

Alone On Top (Einsame Spitze)
Paul Munzinger writes very interestingly about the extreme hierarchies at German universities in Süddeutsche Zeitung. And: The Bremen initiative in the political science institute is mentioned! For more on our perspective, see the text by Angelika Schenk, Arndt Wonka and myselfe: Jenseits der Infantilisierung.
Beyond Infantilization - Symposium [in German]

[As this is a political discussion about the intricacies of the institutional set-up of German Universities and how to improve the so-called Mittelbau, I have not translated the text. Anyone interested in these details is probably able to read German anyway.]

Der unter_bau hat mich eingeladen, über die politische Initiative zur Umwandlung des Mittelbaus in (tenure-track Junior-)Professuren am Institut für Politikwissenschaft der Universität Bremen zu diskutieren. Die Argumente für diesen Weg in …