Diagnosis of the Present

Stichworte zur politischen Situation der Zeit. Ein kritischer Sammelband thematisiert “Die große Regression”
Suhrkamp publishes today a collection of essays called “Die große Regression. Eine internationale Debatte zur geistigen Situation der Zeit” which will be published in several countries more or less simulteaneously. My review of some of the political diagnoses presented in the volume is now online: https://www.
Stichworte zur politischen Situation der Zeit. Ein kritischer Sammelband thematisiert “Die große Regression”
Post-Truth: The Authoritarian Temptation
Just before the end of this year, I wrote a small essay - an interjection, really - on the concept “post-truth” and its German counterpart “postfaktisch”. Both have been voted as the “word of the year 2016”, and both favour a diagnosis of the present that is as unhistorica as it is politically misleading.